Documents related to military and economic matters: manuscript, 1671-1694.


Documents related to military and economic matters: manuscript, 1671-1694.

Four documents on various military and economic matters issued in Vienna by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I between 1671 and 1694, all bearing signatures and seal. Document 1, dated 15 June 1671, elevates Darius Freiherr (Baron) von Neuhaus, Obrist (colonel), to the rank of Obrist Feldwachtmeister (Obristveldwachtmaister). It is signed by Leopold and by one of his officials, under the rubric: ad mandatum sacrae caesareae maietatis proprium. Document 2, dated 27 October 1684, re-states an order first issued on 8 February 1683 that in Upper and Lower Austria (Österreich unter und ob der Ennss) food supplies en route to the military provisions office (Veldt Proviant Ambt) be exempt from every kind of toll or duty (Zoll, Mauth, Aufschlag). On verso: Patent, die Mauthbefreijung des Veldt-Proviants betreffend. Documents 3 and 4, dated 2 October 1693 and 18 October 1694, respectively, set the rates for tithes and tributes (Zehent, Bergrecht) due to the emperor, to the bishopric of Vienna, or to others in the current year, from vineyards around Vienna and on the slopes of the nearby mountains (unter dem Gebürg), and discuss conditions of payment; with similar wording, both make reference to ordinances (Generalien) issued by Ferdinand III on 17 September 1654 and by Leopold himself in 1660. On verso of former: General Mandat, die Satz- und ordentliche Nembung des Zehent und Bergrechts für dises 1693iste Jahrs betreffend; and of latter: Patent, die ordentliche Nembung des Zehent und Bergrechts betreffend. Documents 2-4 are each signed by representatives from the offices of governor (Statthalterambts-Verwalter) and chancellor (Cantzler, Cantzlerambts-Verwalter), as well as two officials under the rubric: commissio domini electi imperatoris in consilio. In document 2, the signatures of Joseph Joachim Alexander von Schmidlin, in the latter category, and Johann Oswald Hartmann, as chancellor, are discernible.

4 items (4 leaves)




SNAC Resource ID: 7244719

University of Pennsylvania Library

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Hartmann, Johann Oswald, von und zu Hüttendorf, d. 1689. (person)

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1640-1705 (person)

Neuhaus, Darius, Freiherr von. (person)

Schmidlin, Joseph Joachim Alexander von. (person)